CoachNow Blog

3 CoachNow Golf Coaches Share Remote Feedback Examples

Written by Spencer Dennis, Founder of CoachNow | Feb 22, 2024 8:00:00 AM
This month, we’ve focused the blog on the topic of Giving Effective Feedback.

We wrote 2 blogs covering the essentials of giving feedback remotely, as well as in person. If you missed them, be sure to check them out at the links below:

Remote Coaching Best Practices: 3 Tips to Maximize Athlete Engagement

In Person Coaching Sessions: Top 3 Best Practices

Today, I want to take these insights a step further by showcasing three standout examples from CoachNow golf coaches.

I’m hoping these examples offer a practical and inspiring look at ways to leverage video tools to deliver effective feedback, both in person and while away.

If you’d like to be featured, give us a follow and tag us with your videos: @coachnow_app

Let’s get to it!
Coach Name: Henry Fall

Instagram Handle: @henryfallgolf

Tools Used: Voice Over, Annotations, Slow Motions

What Stands Out: In this video, Henry offers swing advice to an athlete from his home. He does a great job demonstrating what he’s seeing and what key changes the athlete should make to give their swing more power. To really drive the point home, he ends with a video showing the form of a pro, with annotations to show the key moments of a perfect swing.
Coach Name: Stuart McKechnie

Instagram Handle:

Tools Used: Annotations Tools, Slow Motion

What Stands Out: Stuart utilizes annotations and slow motion features to deliver crystal clear feedback. Notice how he breaks down each individual movement during the session and documents what he’s looking for, directly in the Space.
Coach Name: Shane Simmons

Instagram Handle: @simmonspga_AZ

Tools Used: AI-Enabled Skeleton Tracking, Slow Motion

What Stands Out: This is a great example of focused and impactful video feedback. Shane analyzes one of the videos his athlete posted in their shared Space. Notice how simple he makes the analysis- He highlights two key moments in the swing, then shows the whole video in slow motion to showcase what it looks like when taken all together.
Hope you liked these posts! We’ll be back next month with another collection of stellar coaching through Coachnow.

If you’d like to be featured, give us a follow and tag us with your videos: @coachnow_app

Have a great weekend!