CoachNow Blog

See the Coaches Championing Skills Development via CoachNow

Written by Spencer Dennis, Founder of CoachNow | Mar 28, 2024 7:00:00 AM
The magic of CoachNow goes beyond just world-class video features — it's about meaningful achievements, pivotal moments, and a vibrant community that’s growing every day.

And we love hearing all about your wins when you tag us on Instagram. Seeing your success stories always puts a smile on my face.

For this week’s post, I’ve chosen 4 of those Instagram posts to highlight. These are stellar examples of CoachNow members using the platform to improve their coaching delivery, engage their athletes, and showcase their skills to their audience online.

If you’ve had a noteworthy experience with CoachNow, we’d love to hear about it.

Tag us @coachnow_app, and you might be featured next month.

Lets get to it.
Coach Name: Josh K.

Instagram Handle: @jkcoaching

Tools Used: AI Skeleton Tracking, Versus Mode

What Stands Out: Learning new tricks is hard, especially when the stakes are high. It takes courage, practice, and a quality feedback loop to ensure you don’t get injured. In the example, Caroline Buchanan’s coach utilizes CoachNow to analyze her body position on the bike. We love the use of AI to help perfect her form AND the use of versus mode to show her progress. An awesome CoachNow use-case and very engaging post all around.
Coach Name: Zach Stodola

Instagram Handle: @zack.stodola

Tools Used: Annotations

What Stands Out: In the video, Zach uses line drawing to highlight common swing plane faults, and gives useful advice on how to avoid them. He incorporates analysis tools and line drawing to give key learning moments DURING the lesson, not just when he’s away from the athlete. As I’ve said before, using video during a session can often give the athlete much more clarity on what they are trying to achieve. As you can see, he’s using Instagram to also add captions to the video… Wouldn’t it be SO cool if you could do that directly in CoachNow? ;)
Coach Name: Craig Lockwood

Instagram Handle: @craiglockwoodgolfcoach

Tools Used: AI Skeleton Tracking, Automatic Angle Detection, Slow Motion

What Stands Out: This is a great example of how Automatic Angle Detection can help you clearly see where you’ve improved. It enables you to give your athletes a goal that’s super easy to quantify (e.g. “your leg should be at THIS angle”), which makes it SO much easier for them to progress on their own. As he puts it: “Using CoachNow, we are able to precisely measure the change in flex in his right leg!”. Talk about a stellar feedback loop.
Coach Name: Blake Cannon

Instagram Handle: @shortgame_Agent

Tools Used: Bluetooth Microphone Compatibility

What Stands Out: This is a great example of a coach using a variety of tech to make his coaching better. Of course, he’s using CoachNow to film himself, but we also notice that he’s using a bluetooth mic to ensure the audio quality of the video is the best it can be. Through CoachNow, he’s able to deliver super helpful feedback with a quick video. This time, his insight doesn’t require lines or a voiceover – it’s simply a key learning moment that he can share and deliver seamlessly using CoachNow.
Hope you liked these posts! We’ll be back next month with another collection of stellar coaching through Coachnow.

If you’d like to be featured, give us a follow and tag us with your videos: @coachnow_app

Have a great weekend!