Have you tried our AI-Enabled Skeleton Tracking?
This cutting-edge technology automatically detects and tracks the movements of athletes in your videos, overlaying a visual representation of their body structure.
You can then use this overlay with all the other powerful CoachNow analysis tools at your disposal.
Because, as you’ve heard me say before, the entire point of our analysis suite is to enhance your communication. Specifically, this tool will give you that extra layer of precision needed for advanced micro movements/ form.
And on top of all that… It looks super cool.
With that out of the way, let’s dive in.
First, let’s go over some examples, showcasing the feature in a variety of settings.
Conveying complex movements and techniques can be difficult.
Sometimes, it’s really hard for your coach to get their point across by simply describing what they’re seeing on a screen. It can be easy for you to misunderstand their feedback on your videos, especially when you’re apart.
Skeleton Tracking can be super helpful to help bridge that gap.
With this feature, they can visually highlight specific body parts and your movements during intricate athletic maneuvers.
This visual feedback, especially when coupled with a voice-over or annotation, empowers you to better interpret coaching instructions. And it gives you a deeper understanding of how you body should move.
Don’t get me wrong - this is NOT a silver bullet.
It’s simply another tool for your arsenal. One that can help you and your coach get your points across with more clarity and precision.
Because precision the FIRST time can save you tons of time in the long run.
Ready to start using this feature? Here’s how:
AI-Enabled Skeleton Tracking represents a significant advancement in coach-athlete communication.
Whether you’re using this feature on your own or with a coach, being able to visually demonstrate and communicate movement techniques enhances your learning experience and drives performance improvement.
With this feature, we are laying a foundation for future iterations, which will offer even more in-depth insights and data.
At CoachNow, we’re committed to continuously innovating and empowering coaches with cutting-edge technology.
Stay tuned to hear about more exciting features in the months to come.