Benefits of Video Recaps Everything that you do with these "direct to camera" video recaps should be aimed at conquering the "forgetting curve".
When done correctly, this ConnectedCoaching best practice
benefits you as the coach, while also delivering tangible value to your athletes. Let's start with Coach benefits:
- Recaps make it easy to calibrate your coaching/communication effectiveness. They provide a regular feedback loop and help you as a coach realize what styles of teaching your athletes respond best to. Every athlete is different, and requiring them to repeat back what they learned will result in a better understanding of their unique needs and learning styles.
- No one wants to repeat themselves over and over again, and it can be very frustrating for your athlete to make the same mistakes every week. Video recaps increase accountability and reduce repetition. Requiring them to explain the gameplan in their own words limits the number of excuses they can make for themselves if they don't practice. Plus, you won't need to spend the first 5-10 minutes of each session repeating what you did last week since that info is so easy for them to access on their own time.
- The more your athletes remember, the more they improve. The more they improve, the happier they'll be with your coaching. As I always say, "Retention = Retention" – the more your clients retain from your sessions, the more likely you are to retain them as a client. And, of course, their success will also be enjoyable to witness, and you will feel more fulfilled as a coach overall.
Key benefits for the Athlete:
- When your athletes have a video record of WHAT to practice and WHY it matters, they are simply less likely to forget. Encourage them to rewatch the recaps before practicing to center their intentions and ensure they are taking your feedback into account. These recaps also prevent them from practicing the WRONG things and reinforcing bad habits. When compounded over time, recaps will lead to a noticeable improvement in their progress vs. just "going off memory".
- It's important that your athletes don't just improve, but that they also feel like and believe they are improving. To that end, these videos also function as a "progress journal" for the athletes. If they ever feel discouraged or stuck, encourage them to watch videos from a few months back. This can do wonders for their psyche by calibrating expectations and putting any potential struggles into perspective.
- Remember that feeling of an upcoming "pop quiz" in school? The social pressure of being "put on the spot" is a great motivator for learning! Requiring the athletes to recap the coaching session formalizes and solidifies their learning while instilling that heightened focus you get from a pop quiz. No one wants to be caught off guard and say the wrong thing – use that motivator to your advantage.
Want more CoachNow advice on Video Analysis best practices? Check out these two posts:
The 3 Key Benefits of Video Analysis The 3 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make With Video Analysis