As I’ve said countless times before, communication is key to you and your athlete’s success. When you’re a high-performance coach, it can also be incredibly time-consuming.
CoachNow was created to enhance, consolidate, and streamline your communication - the primary place where that happens is in “Spaces” - your private training space to communicate one-on-one with your athletes.
Unlike disparate communication channels like text, email, Whatsapp, video analysis apps etc, Spaces are perfect for 1-on-1 development.
Within Spaces, you can create posts, analyze videos, and give feedback in a secure, private channel dedicated solely to your athlete's improvement. You can also keep a single record of progress to make sure all key information is easy to find.
Today, we’re gonna share the top 3 most important posts you should pin to the top of your space.
Creating videos for your athletes outlining your expectations is a great way to lay the groundwork for what you both should expect from each other in your new coach-athlete relationship.
This can include tips on how they should film their practice and what angles to include. You can also lay out how often you want them to post and what they can expect to find in your responses.
Videos are a great way to ensure that your instructions and expectations are clear. The best part - after you record them once, you can pin them to the top of your space and never have to record them again.
There are probably tons of different links you want your athletes to have access to, so make sure to pin them!
For example, if you have a program (e.g. “6 weeks to a better swing”), pin the whole calendar and goals of the program at the top of the Space.
You can also re-pin that weeks/months homework or practice schedule as needed (you can swap out pins whenever you choose).
Whether you’re linking out to your website, a specific course, homework, or something else, pinning essential links are another great option to ensure that your athletes don’t miss out on any key info.
A welcome message is especially useful when athletes first join your Space, letting them know they’re in the right place and that you’re happy they’re there.
Additionally, welcome messages are good to pin if you have a Space where people are always trickling in.
By pinning these messages, you save yourself the headache of having to remember to manually message people every time they join your Space.
An example welcome message could look like:
“Welcome, and congratulations on successfully registering your CoachNow account. You can expect to see updates from me here in this Space in the next (insert timeframe) - I’m so excited to work with you!”
To close this out: "Spaces" are where the CoachNow magic happens.
They are your one-stop shop to create posts, analyze videos, and give feedback in a secure, private, and distraction-free channel dedicated solely to your athlete's improvement.
Try out one of our 3 recommendations here and you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your athlete relationships.