CoachNow Coaching Blog

Blueprint Level 1 Relaunch!

Written by Spencer Dennis Founder of CoachNow | Nov 7, 2024 12:30:00 PM


Today’s post is a sneak peek from the Revamped Level 1 ConnectedCoach Blueprint - a course focused on helping you achieve time, income, and location freedom. We want you to work less, make more money, and coach from anywhere.

Reminder: the ConnectedCoach Blueprint Level 1 and Level 2 are included with a CoachNow PRO membership


In Module 2 of the course, we focus on helping you identify your niche and your customer. By the end of the module, you’ll understand who your target customer is and how to best communicate with them - a KEY to your success.


I’ll also cover your “Currency” AKA what you sell, how you sell it, and how to stand out from the crowd, as well as your “Million Dollar Message”.


This message is shaped by a few questions:


1. What are your client’s 3 main obstacles between them and results?

2. What will their lives be like if you DON’T solve this problem?

3. Who will you accept and who will you reject?

4. What’s your client’s biggest goal or desire (Your Core Currency)?

5. Why does this matter - what will their life be like when they achieve the results?


After you answer these questions, I have an easy exercise to help you put your own Million Dollar Message together in just a few steps.


Once you do, you’ll have a crystal clear picture of who you help, what you do, and how you do it.


Want to learn more? Check out the rest of the Level 1 Blueprint here! I cover tons of other topics that are guaranteed to take your business to the next level.