Have you heard of a  "Micro-Touch Point"? 

It’s essentially when your coach delivers timely value, coaching and/or support in small doses. And it’s something every coach should be doing. 

When you’re practicing, it’s all too easy to take two steps forward, one step back. As a week (or more) goes by between each practice session, it’s impossible to remember every detail that your coach shared with you.

So naturally, you might start making mistakes during practice that are only reinforced every time you practice them incorrectly.

This is where micro-touch points prove their worth. 

Micro-touch points emphasize continuous, near real-time improvement, reinforcing your positive behaviors and addressing bad ones (mistakes) before they take hold.

I created CoachNow to make these micro-touch points ridiculously easy to manage. The whole platform is designed to help you take three steps forward during your time with your coach and continue taking steps four, five, and six (and beyond) when you are not. 

Simply put - if your coach is using CoachNow effectively, micro-touch points are already baked into their training. By using them, they’ll help you become more accountable as an athlete. 

But what does this look like in reality? 

This means that the majority of the posts in a Space will be made by you, not your coach. Ideally, you’ll share your progress in your space.

Your coach will monitor these updates and focus on high-value opportunities as much as possible.

Let's dive into an example to illustrate this important concept….

Check out these screenshots and quick GIF, highlighting some micro-touch points with one of my clients:





Notice the things I did (that your coach should also be doing):

-The posts come from Jay, added while he's at the range, at his house, and on the course.
-I didn't interact with each post unless he asked for help.
-All these images and comments will be forever saved in his space. This gives him an easy reference to his progress over time.

By following this method, your coach will help you find tons of VALUE in your training and takes very little time for both of you. 

So now you know what “micro touch points” are and WHY they’re so important. And, the best part is, YOU have the ability to initiate this with your coach simply by asking for feedback in your CoachNow Space. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Here's to discovering more value, and getting better faster, each and every time you practice!