I've had the opportunity to chat with countless athletes about their journey and experiences being coached.

Throughout all these conversations, I always ask a simple, yet powerful question:

What would you have done differently if you could restart your training journey today? What advice do you have for an athlete just starting out?

So, in this blog post, I'm going to share the top three things I’ve learned from these conversations to help you grow as an athlete.

Let’s get to it.

track your progress/journey


Track Your Progress/Journey

The number one thing seasoned athletes recommend is diligently monitoring your progress - Every. Single. Day.

In fact, I’ve heard athletes call creating an athlete journal, a “cheat code” for rapid growth.

Learning from those who have been there before can help you avoid making the same mistakes that others have made, and jumpstart your success.

It’s challenging to keep track of your progress when there are so many different things that play a role in it. But by uploading your videos, images, thoughts, etc. into CoachNow, you’ll have a much more comprehensive view of how far you’ve actually come.

Say goodbye to the days of losing motivation (and important training information) - with CoachNow, everything you need is in one safe place where you (and your coach/recruiter/etc.) can access it with the click of a button.

Do yourself a favor and start tracking your progress NOW. You’ll thank me later!
the importance of goal-setting


The Importance of Goal-Setting

I know, here I go again.

In case I haven’t made it clear in the past, I believe fervently that athletes need to set a roadmap for success.

Time and time again, I see athlete’s practice sessions becoming reactive instead of proactive.

But this is only going to hurt you in the long run.

Focusing on Goal Orientation, however, makes it that much easier to keep track of your progress and keep your eye on the prize.

When you set specific, attainable goals, “ isolating each step like this can help you reach that “ah-ha” moment that every athlete strives for.”

If you have a coach, they can provide feedback on these goals in CoachNow, making it even easier to stay focused and have a comprehensive view of your journey.
embrace technology to take your training to the next level


Embrace Technology to Take Your Training To The Next Level

Far too often, athletes aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to video analysis.

And, don’t get me wrong, it can be a lot to digest at first.

But I’m going to let you in on a secret: the Pros have been using video analysis to surpass their competition for years.

With all of the analysis features that come with CoachNow, you can save yourself tons of time and money and get access to these very same tools that helped the Pros become Pros.

Tying in to tracking your progress and the goal-setting that I talked about earlier, video analysis helps you recognize if you truly are performing how you think that you are.

These tools enable you and your coach to sit down and review exactly what you’re doing, step by step. This transparency is fundamental to your growth and overall success as an athlete.

Not only does video analysis provide this for your coach, but recruiters as well (or anyone who’s interested in seeing your progress).

In short, you need to be utilizing these features to ensure you’re putting your best foot forward.

Regardless of where you start in your athletic career, there are specific steps you can take to make sure you’re on the right track.

Each of these aspects of your training are all equally important and are interconnected, so by starting one, the others become easier.

If you have a coach, include them in this process and you’ll be guaranteed to see the results.

I’d love to hear how it goes!