Today we're gonna talk about camera angles because this is super duper important.
I'm going to bring up this video from the same exact day and what you're going to notice is the camera angles are dramatically different.
We're going to talk about that and why that's important. So notice on my phone it's feeling a little small, so I can pinch and zoom.
But, as I move this video here, you can tell it's nowhere near the same as the original, so I've got no chance to compare one to the other.
Now, especially if I wanted to use our overlay feature here where you can overlay two videos on itself to really see some traction or some improvement, I've got no chance, right?
So if we talk about basic camera angles, this is so crucial for you all to understand - every sport is going to be a little bit different.
But if we're talking about golf, what are some of the things you want to pay attention to?
You want the hands to be in the center of the frame as best as you can.
Now, this one's maybe a little bit off to the left, but not too bad.
I use this alignment rod on the ground; as you're going to see here to help with that centering, because I have to go put the camera back on the tripod and get a sense of where I'm going to stand.
Now, this particular rod here on the ground that’s more perpendicular. This helps me understand if the camera is level and more flush to the scene that I'm trying to capture.
And I'm going to show you show you another tip here in a moment that's already built into your camera. But this is a really good thing to do.
Now, again, if we go back to this other video, we focus in on it. Notice the camera angles are too high for one. It's way off to the side. It's moving around, so we captured this one to be extra bad on purpose.
Now you can look at the swing and maybe gauge some tempo or some other things you're looking for, but there's absolutely no way that you can compare one swing to the next.
I want to also show you an example here. If I go into my library (which is very powerful if you use tags), and this allows us because this camera was a little closer. We zoom this one in.
So what you can see now is I have a better chance because the camera angle on my particular video is closer to this one, to compare myself to a professional, to get some better insights on what I'm doing.
That other one, I'd have absolutely no shot in doing it because the video angle is just completely off.
One of the other things that you can do is when you're capturing a video, you can turn on the grid function inside of your native capture, and then that'll allow you to use these grids when you're orienting your camera.
So what you'll do is you'll turn on the camera, put it on your tripod before you go into CoachNow and get everything oriented the way that you want.
And then when you launch CoachNow, as long as the camera hasn't moved, you've got this perfect grid system there. And this will work no matter what sport you are actively training in.
So within golf, as I was saying just a moment ago, one, you want the whole club to show, which is happening here. Cause there's a lot of things that we're building that's going to make that very important.
And the other is again, you want it to be hand-high as best you can. So the camera's actually down a little bit at hand height, as well as with the hands centered in the screen.
That way, as you're documenting your practice or your training over 20, 30, 100 swings, whatever it is, you have the best chance of tracking your progress accurately and using a lot of the features that we've built. Now, when you do a face-on video like this one here, and if it zooms in, you can always pinch it to go out to get the true orientation.
This one is simple. You just want the subject in the middle. You want the camera angle kind of at that same height. This one's actually a tiny bit high, but the main thing is that everything should fit inside the frame.
So if we go back to that space of mine and we can start going through again, you can notice that you can put any type of content inside of CoachNow and gain some serious value out of it.
Again, this is a worm-eye view, I should say of putting. So all you gotta do here is you can do a couple of things. One, you can just put the camera down, rotate it a little bit and put it up against a tee. I even do a lot of drills where I'll put the camera, the phone actually in the hole itself.
So I can get this kind of angle and see the ball rolling in again, 240 frames. And then I have the opportunity to document and draw on it, illustrate, and do whatever I want to do.