When you’re choosing what software to use for your development, it can be hard to know where to start.

There are so many factors to take into consideration, so I’ve broken it down into a few digestible steps that should help you get started on your journey.

In today’s blog, I’ll give you everything you need to get started.

And I’ll just say from the get-go - video analysis isn’t the only thing that’s important when deciding which platform(s) to use. 

While I will discuss key video features, I want to emphasize that video analysis on it’s own isn’t helpful if it doesn’t improve communication and create a shared understanding with you and your coach.

You can do all the analysis in the world, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into improvements in your performance - you have to know what to do with that analysis.

With that out of the way, let’s dive in.


Athlete looking at phone with text "Do they have these key video analysis features"

When it comes to specific video features, some are absolutely non-negotiable.

First, we’ll cover Slo-Mo. 

For technical movements, it’s crucial that you can see the granularity of your motion. Smaller movements add up when it comes to your improvement over time. 

In fact, I’d say the difference between an amateur and a pro often comes down to their focus on these seemingly inconsequential details. 

To see these micro-movements, standard camera software won’t do. You need to slow down the video and scrub frame by frame.

Golfer using slo mo video analysis

That’s why 240 fps slow motion cameras are so important. 

What does that jargon mean? It means you need to be able to process video files that capture 240 frames (aka images) per second. 

Most modern smartphones already have this capability natively. But just because you can upload 240 FPS videos doesn’t mean every platform will allow you to analyze videos at 240 FPS. 

Be sure you read the fine print on the software you are considering. When building out CoachNow’s video suite, we prioritized 240 fps analysis in the app to make sure every second of movement is ready to be analyzed.

That’s one of the many tools that makes CoachNow great for any sport that requires hyper-specific, dynamic motions. 

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Next, let’s talk Annotations.

The ability to annotate images and videos is a necessity for video analysis

Doing so helps make it crystal clear exactly what you’re talking about. 

CoachNow comes packed with a suite of annotation tools that are useful for any occasion. 

Try using all of these: angles, rulers, freehand drawings, pre-built shapes, etc… They significantly increase your ability to provide technical and dynamic feedback to keep you hyper-aware of their form. 

While this feature is important, be sure you don’t overdo it! 

iPad and iPhone showing golfer using coachnow video analysis skeleton tracking

Now for the flashy stuff: AI-Integration.

Have you tried Skeleton Tracking before?

This cutting-edge technology automatically detects and tracks your movements in videos, overlaying a visual representation of your body structure.

You can then use this overlay with all the other powerful CoachNow analysis tools at your disposal.

Because, as you’ve heard me say before, the entire point of our analysis suite is to enhance your communication. Specifically, this tool will give you that extra layer of precision needed for advanced micro movements/ form. 

With this feature, you can visually highlight specific body parts and your movements during intricate athletic maneuvers.

This visual feedback, especially when coupled with a voice-over or annotation, empowers you to better take notes and receive feedback and gives you a deeper understanding of how your body should move.There’s a reason it is one of the most popular features we’ve ever released for the platform. Give it a try!

android iphone ipad and macbook showing coachnow ui

Many companies simply list their features and think that’s all they need to convince a prospective customer. 

But there’s an even more important (and often overlooked) question you should ask yourself when deciding which app is right for you - is the platform easy to use?

Seems like an obvious thing, but I’ve found that it’s often lost in the mix. Having tons of bells and whistles in your training arsenal can be great, but not if it’s super complicated to integrate into your daily sessions.

An easy-to-use coaching platform or app is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.

Regardless of your sport, training plans, or particular expectations, our aim at CoachNow is to provide you with a flexible, easy-to-use platform to empower YOUR training journey. 

At the end of the day, your video analysis app should only be making your life easier. Think not just about what the software does but how it does it. Trust me, it makes a world of difference. 

diagram of coaches and athletes using coachnow with text "How do they approach communication"?

Communication is obviously key to your athletic development, so ensuring that the app you use makes communicating easier is a must.

I’ll say it again - video analysis should be thought of as a type of communication. But it shouldn’t be your ONLY type of communication.  It’s only part of the story.

Over the years, we've seen countless coaches use Email for general communication, Text or WhatsApp for scheduling, YouTube or iCloud for sending videos, Social Media for community, etc.

If you or your coach are using a tool that ONLY has a video analysis, you’re probably emailing them videos, texting them feedback, uploading your analysis to Dropbox, etc. 

This disconnect in communications is doing WAY more harm to your mental health than you likely realize. 

That’s where CoachNow comes in.

By getting rid of all of these disparate communication channels, you can spend more time focusing on what truly matters - your own needs.

With Spaces, you can track progress, create posts, analyze videos, and collaborate with others in a secure, private channel dedicated solely to your improvement.

Having everything documented in one place also sets you up for success over time. Whenever you’re ready to bring on a coach, they will have the full context of your development so they can cater to your needs faster than ever. 

At the end of the day, the video analysis app that you choose will greatly impact your life.

That’s precisely why this decision is such an important one for you to make. 

No matter what sport you’re in or what your training philosophy is, start by trying to understand what exactly you’re hoping to achieve. 

So when it comes to making the right choice for video analysis, identify what you’re looking for and ensure that the app you choose will not only remedy your pain points but empower you to reach your goals.

By making your life easier, you’ll find greater enjoyment in the journey and far more success overall.