
Each live session and even some remote sessions should always include 3 core elements. After gathering millions of data points over the years we break it down into a simple and quick 1,2,3 for you.


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Hey everyone. Spencer here, former burnt out coach and founder of coach now, and the connected coach academy. Welcome back to the podcast. On today's episode, we're gonna be diving into three ways to level up your live coaching sessions. Let's get to it.

At this point, I'm assuming you get it. If you've listened to any of these other episodes at coach, now, we are sold on the concept of connected coaching in past episodes. We've covered the basics of the concept as well as integral components of connected coaching that include thinking like an entrepreneur, the importance of asynchronous communication and video recaps, just to name.

but what we haven't done yet is give you a one stop shop for the three key ingredients that compromise a successful connected coaching session. And in this example today, we're gonna be talking about specifically live coaching sessions, cuz you wanna integrate technology and you wanna make sure that those athletes have exactly what they need when they leave.

So here are the top three ingredients to a successful connected coaching session. Number one, coach and athlete, video recap. Big time. Number two, video and or image analysis of technical movements, whether it be a swing or a hit or running, jumping, whatever it might be. And third, a clear practice plan. So let's dive into each of them now.

First let's review coach and athlete. Video recaps recaps are one to three minute videos taken at the end of every session that summarize the key learnings and what your athlete should practice and why now technically kind of a sidebar. You can do recaps throughout your coaching session, but in this one we're talking about at the very minimum, you should have something at the end, and we wanna do two recaps before you call it a day in the first recap, record a video of your.

Within their coach now space makes it easier explaining their biggest takeaways from that session, as they speak, elaborate upon any points that they make and clarify any misunderstandings that may have arisen. This is your chance to calibrate right at the end. So you wanna make sure to succinctly explain what the practice plan is moving forward.

You can do that while on the video with them. So you're in the background and the goal here is to give your athlete the chance to show you what they've. Ask clarifying questions and give you as the coach to fill in the gaps for that one to three minutes. Again, you would be shocked at what, uh, athletes miss, if you don't have this practice of putting them on the spot.

So now that you've done that, it's time to trade places. You're gonna hand over your phone. Everyone knows how to do it. So just hand it over to 'em and ask your athlete to take a video of you providing a brief summary of the key takeaways for that day and why they're important. This is your chance again, to highlight any mistakes that you corrected and the advice you gave them for how to fix it.

Sometimes you're gonna be demonstrating a more complicated movement that only you can demonstrate so that they can have it to review. Don't ramble on this video should be two to five minutes maximum making it any longer. We'll make it less likely that the athlete will even look at it. And we wanna make sure that everything you add to an athlete space is digestible and review.

So now let's move on to analysis. You're gonna use your in-person time or part of your in-person time to focus on the form again, uh, whether it be a movement, a swing strength, building exercises, whatever it might be. Ideally, you're gonna wanna record the technical movement toward the beginning of the session to establish a baseline for that day.

If the session calls for technical improvements, not every session does, let's just be clear. And then you're gonna film another video or maybe even take an image of them hitting a particular position at the end of the session. From there, you're gonna do a voiceover using our comparison feature or what, what we call versus, and you're gonna talk through those changes, those improvements, or maybe where something's lacking.

the key is together. Ideally they are gonna chime in as well so that they can hear their own voice. And if they're a junior athlete, their parents can hear them talking through what you guys worked on that day. It's kind of a form of a recap, but cemented or anchored into this analysis component. now third, we have the practice plan in my experience, the best practice plans are done in writing, cuz they're easier to go back and review really quickly.

So they're done as writing within a text post inside of coach. Now this makes 'em easily searchable, as I said, and you have a clear break in the feed so that you can look at what's going on. So when you're building these plans, I recommend sticking to lists in whatever way that you can as well as adding repetitions to the specific.

so one of the examples here is type one. You're gonna have the exercises listed out the drills listed out and a rep count that they need to do. And before they switch to the next drill, or you simply want them to do a yes, no. Did you do the exercises? Yes or no. And they have an opportunity to reply depending on the level of, uh, where they are and their development program.

These practice plans are gonna change. I'm gonna leave that stuff to you. You guys know what's going on.

All right, that is it. We're gonna wrap this up as quickly as we can. Those are the three ingredients for your live session, but one more important note before I close out, be sure to do all of this within your athletes space during your time together, that way you don't go home, you don't upload anything.

You don't send anything when you're done coaching, you're done coaching. And that is how coaches are saving anywhere from eight to. Hours per week or more because they're no longer doing stuff when they get home. Lastly, the thing I wanna make sure, I really hammer home here at the very minimum. You should have a recap again, not every session is technical.

Not every session ends with a perfectly clear practice plan because it might be feeding in. Or it might be one session of many as a part of a practice plan, but at the very minimum, please do the recaps. You'll thank me for it. Your athletes will thank you for it. And your business will thank you for it as always.

I hope that you enjoyed this mini episode or what we're calling the blog pod since all of these are taking different takes on our growing database of articles. So if you like what you've. Please consider subscribing to the podcast, as well as checking out coach for a whole lot more of, uh, this kind of free educational content around your business.

And you can also subscribe to our blog and anything else that we're doing over there? Lastly, do me a favor. If again, if you liked it, please rate, review and share it with a. As we want to grow your coaching business, as well as your peers, as much as possible. And you doing that will help us a lot. So here's to intention and more importantly, retention, talk to you soon.