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Our Blog

Welcome to our blog. Here you'll find weekly resources to help you unlock your time, income, and impact.

How Do You Organize Content in CoachNow? AMA Session May 12th, 2023
This week's AMA covers a range of topics, from organizing content in CoachNow, to unique use cases from celebrity coaches.
'What's The Biggest Mistake You've Seen Coaches Make?' AMA 3/23/23
This week's AMA covers a range of topics, from the biggest mistake coaches make, to how to effectively coach in a remote environment.
Should Athlete's Add Their Parents To CoachNow? AMA March 16, 2023
This week's AMA covers a range of topics, from whether coaches should add parents to their spaces, to what role CoachNow should play when marketing your coaching offers to potential clients.
WATCH THE RECORDING: ConnectedCoaching Website and Social Media Audit
What You’ll Learn: Best practices, live feedback, and Q&A on how to build your website and hone in on your perfect coaching offer. A deep dive on the best ways to stay in sync with your athletes, parents, and other coaches.