CoachNow Academy

Our Blog

Welcome to our blog. Here you'll find weekly resources to help you unlock your time, income, and impact.

How to Introduce Long-Term Development Programs into Your Coaching Offer
In a previous post, I outlined the 3 key components that make up a quality Long-Term Development program. To make the most of this blog, I recommend reading that first: Getting Started with Long-Term Development Programs - 3 Key Components To...
IG June Round Up - CoachNow Featured Coaches
Every day, dozens of coaches tag us on Instagram, showcasing how they use CoachNow in real-world settings. For this week’s blog, I’ve chosen 3 of those Instagram posts to highlight. As always, these are stellar examples of CoachNow members...
What’s Passive Transparency? Keeping Parents in the Loop
If you’re a coach who works at an academy, camp, or clinic for young athletes, you know how important it is to keep parents in the loop on their child’s development. Often, this is done through monthly or weekly reports, written up by you, the...
Unlocking the Full Potential of Video Analysis for Your Coaching
I’ll level with you: video analysis isn’t everything. It’s an incredibly powerful tool, but it’s only ONE piece of the puzzle when it comes to helping your athletes improve as efficiently as possible. And moreover, it’s ONLY valuable if it...
Organize Your Content in CoachNow - 6 Key Features - Alex, Head Coach
Every day, thousands of coaches and athletes use CoachNow to create content and sell their coaching programs. But, as with any software, the more content you create, the harder it becomes to keep everything organized. Lucky for you, CoachNow...
The Surprising Power of Collaboration
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY In our blog post " Know Who You Serve (And Who You Don't)", we asked you to develop and narrow in on your niche. In this post, I want to focus on collaborating with complementary coaches. Doing so will...
The 3 P’s - A Framework for Coaching Success
When my cofounder and I were forming the early concept of CoachNow, a lot of the inspiration came from a book called The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. In that book, he introduces the concept of “deep practice”, a highly focused, practice method...
3 Ways to Make Your Coaching Offer Stand Out From The Crowd
Trust Me. I know how challenging it can be to set yourself apart from your competition. There are SO many coaching programs out there…How can you ensure that someone chooses YOURS? Having seen and audited thousands of coaching businesses, I’ve...
Coaching Habits to Implement for 2024
A few months back, I wrote a post titled “ How to be a Great Coach in 2024”. In it, I emphasized the importance of moonshot thinking, and setting yourself up for exponential business growth in the new year and beyond. But setting goals is just...
ConnectedCoaching Gear 101: My Recommendations
In the dynamic world of coaching, technology is key to providing impactful feedback and driving athletes' development forward. At CoachNow, we’re always on the lookout for innovative technologies that empower coaches and athletes alike. And...
Sessions, Not "Lessons": Know the Difference
Listen on the go: SPOTIFY APPLE PODCASTS What kind of coach do you want to be? What kind of business do you want to run? How will you stand out from the crowd? Over the past 10+ years, working with thousands of coaches, I can confidently say...
CoachNow's Playbook: Top 5 Blogs You Can't Miss from 2023!
2023 marked year 2 of the CoachNow Blog - weekly content tailor-made to help coaches like you save time while increasing your income and impact. The blog is a testament to our dedication to the ever-evolving world of Sports-Skills coaching. Each...
In-Person Coaching Sessions: Top 3 Best Practices
At CoachNow, we believe in the power of leveraging technology to become a better skill coach. Last week, we gave you the first piece of that puzzle: 3 Best Practices for Remote Coaching. BUT, while remote coaching can be a powerful tool,...
Is Your Coaching Job Burning You Out? Here's Why
Every day I speak with coaches who are on the verge of burning out. And I totally understand why. It happened to me. Since creating CoachNow I’ve made it my mission to stop it from happening to you. One of our most popular blogs is titled “ 3...
Remote Coaching Best Practices: 3 Tips to Maximize Athlete Engagement
We asked, you answered. A few weeks back, we asked what you wanted to see from the CoachNow Blog, and the answer was heard loud and clear. You want advice on how to leverage CoachNow features to improve outcomes for your athletes. ...
Coaching 101 - Bridging the Gap Between "Feel" vs. "Real"
Feel vs. Real Coaches often reference the gap between "feel" and "real". In other words, often there is a large disconnect between when the athlete “feels” they are doing the right movement, though in reality they lacked proper form. This gap...
What is Periodization?
Recently, I’ve been writing a lot about Skills Coaching, both in terms of its importance, and the role CoachNow plays in maximizing skill development. I’ve found that, regardless of sport, the path to skill mastery is often misunderstood. ...
CoachNow Coach Analysis Examples
The world's best coaches, academies, and national programs in 60+ sports across 140 countries rely on CoachNow each and every day. You’ve probably heard us cite this statistic before… But these aren’t just numbers - they're dedicated individuals...
How Do You Organize Content in CoachNow? AMA Session May 12th, 2023
Every week, we get hundreds of questions from around the world about how to use the platform effectively. In our new "Ask Me Anything" series, we will be compiling these most common questions and posing them to Spencer Dennis, the...
What’s a Sport-Skills Coach?
In the world of sports, the term "coach" can mean a lot of things. There are different types of coaches out there, each with their own unique roles, goals, and areas of expertise. And, to me, there is a very important distinction between what...
Sports-Skills Coaching in 2023: Dos and Don'ts
The landscape of sports-skills coaching is constantly evolving. As we step into 2023, it's vital for coaches to stay ahead of the curve. Luckily for you, CoachNow has been ahead of the curve since our founding, over a decade ago. We're...
3 Ideas for Automating Your Coaching Business
In the last year, we’ve delivered for PRO members. We've completely overhauled our Video and Image Analysis Suite and introduced CoachCam, AI-Enabled Skeleton Tracking, and Automatic Angle Detection. We've streamlined our key communication...
Rapid Fire Overview: Spaces, Groups, Best Practices
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of CoachNow? Whether you're a seasoned user or a newbie, this short YouTube video will give you everything you need to know about adding your athletes, creating Spaces & Groups, and using both the Web...
HOW TO Build Automated Accountability with Templates
A few weeks back, we launched game-changing updates to the Templates feature within CoachNow. The highlight of this launch? Automated Template Scheduling. This powerful tool allows you to create comprehensive training programs, courses, and...
Top 5 Tips to Unlock the Power of Spaces for Your Coaching Business
In the world of coaching and athlete development, effective communication is critical for success. It’s also a huge investment of time for high performance coaching that often goes overlooked. CoachNow was built from the ground up to enhance,...
Coaching 101: Mastering the Art of Goal-Oriented Practice
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Spencer Dennis (@spencer_dennis1) Far too often, coaching and practice sessions become reactive. Your athlete arrives, tells/ shows you what they’ve...
CoachNow Best Practices: Unlocking the Power of the Cloud Library
In today’s world, file management can be a bit of a nightmare. And that’s especially true for Coaches tha t embrace technology and deliver their coaching feedback online. But with CoachNow, files and media are saved automatically in your...
The Importance of Coaching Relationships: Striking a Balance
When I was coaching, I wanted my athletes to have everything they needed to get better, faster. I worked tirelessly to give my athletes the tools, feedback, knowledge, and resources they need to improve as efficiently as possible. But trying...
Shortening the Feedback Loop - What Makes a Good Post in CoachNow?
Navigating the world of skills coaching – especially REMOTE skills coaching – presents unique challenges and opportunities. Skills Coaches always strive to streamline communication, enhance understanding, and maintain momentum in training. And...
How to Get Started Digitizing Your Coaching Expertise
You’ve heard me say it a million times: in the modern age, it's crucial for coaches to move away from selling their time for money. For example, you can see past blogs where I touch on this here, here, here, here. Today I want to expand upon this...
Getting Started with Long-Term Development Programs - 3 Key Components
If you’ve been following the content here at the ConnectedCoach Academy, you know how often I emphasize the need for coaches to move away from selling time for money and into an outcome-oriented coaching offer.. But recently, I’ve had lots of...
How to Make $100,000+/ Year Coaching Less Than 30 Hours a Week (Yes, Really)
For the last 10 years, my mission has been to help coaches and trainers like you save time, make more money, and coach how and where you want. The last thing I want is for you to burn out on something you love. It happened to me, I don’t...
Do You Know The Best Kept Secret of Video Analysis?
At CoachNow, we take immense pride in the functionality of our video analysis suite. But video analysis is only part of our story. And it’s just one small piece of the bigger puzzle we aim to solve for our coaches.. From day 1 of CoachNow, I knew...
The WHY Behind These Foundational Video Analysis Features
What You’ll Learn: CoachNow is an industry leader in video analysis, and utilizes 4 key features that can enhance your coaching workflow: Slow Motion, Voice Over, Comparison Shots, and Dynamic Annotation. Here I dive into the WHY behind...
In my experience, coaches and trainers make largely the same mistakes when it comes to marketing their businesses. Whether it’s overemphasizing the importance of social media, thinking they don’t have time to create automated revenue streams, or ...
Don't Worry! Athletes Won't Fire You if They Get Too Good Too Fast
— What You’ll Learn The difference between calibrative and directive feedback and its importance to your coaching style How to leverage calibrative feedback to make your athletes more autonomous, which will help you grow your business in the...
How to Train Your Athletes to Practice like a pro… Even if They’re an Amateur (INTENTION & RETENTION)
— TL;DR In my 10+ years of coaching both amateurs and pros, I’ve noticed some key distinctions between how they approach practice and training.. And as a result I’ve also seen the patterns of where amateurs fall short. Almost all these...
3 Key Ingredients to Level Up Your Live Coaching Sessions
TL;DR Over the past few months, we have given lots of advice on how to become a ConnectedCoach. Here we try to put everything in one place and give you a one-stop-shop for curating the perfect ConnectedCoaching Session. A ConnectedCoaching...
3 Reasons Why You’ll Quit Your Coaching Job (DON’T MAKE THESE MISTAKES)
— TL;DR: Back when I was coaching, I burned out and ultimately quit doing what I once loved. I don’t want to see you do the same. In this post, I cover 3 common mistakes I’ve seen that are doing more harm than good and will ultimately make you...
Using CoachNow if your Athletes Aren't Tech Savvy: 3 Things to Consider
_________ TL;DR People are often concerned with adding new software because their athletes aren't as "tech Savvy". CoachNow squashes those concerns by making the onboarding and sign in process incredibly easy. Even if your athlete doesn't sign...
Onboarding Your Athletes to CoachNow: Top 3 Best Practices
____ TL;DR CoachNow is designed by coaches, for coaches to help you save time, increase your income, and give you freedom of location. But let’s be honest: transitioning your clients to new software can be daunting. To make the transition...
Video Analysis: What Most Coaches Get Wrong (4 Major Misconceptions)
What You’ll Learn: Many Coaches still believe video analysis is the end-all be-all of coaching in the digital age. Trust me, it’s not. The 4 most common misconceptions surrounding video analysis: overemphasizing the importance of video,...
Try Making Video Recaps in CoachNow!
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY Wanna know a harsh truth about coaching? Most of your clients don't practice what you teach them in your live sessions. Now I don't mean to diss on the discipline of all athletes. Obviously, there...
The Magic of Video Recaps | Change Your Coaching Business in 2 Minutes
I’m gonna level with you. I give a lot of advice to budding coaching entrepreneurs. And yes, all the content at the ConnectedCoach Academy is worth your time and can make a real difference to your business and lifestyle. But there is one...
Common Video Analysis Mistakes
Best in class video analysis is one of the core features integrated into the CoachNow+ platform. Last week, we discussed the 3 key benefits of video analysis. If you haven't read it yet, be sure to check it out at this link before you read this...
Coaching Killers
Let's face it, the modern world is incredibly distracting. In fact, there is a trillion+ dollar industry fighting tooth and nail to steal our attention -- think ad targeting, social media, text, email, group chat, Netflix, Youtube, just to name...
Coaching with Micro-Touch Points
The most successful Coaches within the CoachNow universe are incredibly adept at delivering timely value in small doses. As ConnectedCoaches, we call that a "Micro-Touch Point". Rather than check in once a week with a ton of information, a...
Is Video Analysis Helpful?
Video analysis can be an incredibly powerful coaching tool. In fact, it's one of the core features integrated into the CoachNow+ platform. However, all too often I see coaches going down an endless video analysis rabbit hole, completely losing...