This week, I wanted to resend one of our more popular blogs of 2023, where I explained a marketing strategy known as the "Assessment Funnel".

This is one of the most important posts I've written in recent memory and has been a total game changer for the coaches who've given it a shot.

And it's especially relevant today. Because in just 10 days, I'll be hosting a value-packed Masterclass, where I'll dive deep into best practices for building and selling high-ticket coaching offers.

This $27 one-time class will take place on May 15th, 11:30am PT. To learn more and save your seat, click the link below:


Why am I hosting this course? Because I've seen SO many coaches burn themselves out because they didn't create structure for their coaching business to scale. The masterclass will give you the tools you need to get off the "Lessons Treadmill", leverage subscription offers to stop selling your time for money, and grow your business sustainably.

More than that, we'll set you on a 7-day challenge that will help you take ACTION. As I've said before, knowledge on its own doesn't necessarily translate to a more successful coaching business.

At the masterclass, we'll focus on tangible, achievable goals to set you on the right path.

With that out of the way, please read (or re-read) this blog. And TRUST ME, taking action on this strategy could be a total game changer for your business and livelihood.

And of course, we'll be covering the Assessment Funnel in even more depth on May 15th, so if you like what you see here, I'd highly encourage you to sign up. It might be the best $27 you'll ever spent for your business!

What is The Assessment Funnel?

Big picture, the idea here is to offer a free assessment to your potential customers in exchange for their email address.

This could be a golf swing, a form analysis for weightlifting, etc. Really any sport that requires fine tuned movements easily analyzed via CoachNow’s video analysis suite.

Whatever value you can provide to get their contact information. As I’ve said in past posts, the #1 thing you should be doing is collecting email addresses wherever you can.

Once you have that contact info, you are given the opportunity to demonstrate your value in a super tangible way and hopefully move the needle for an athlete who’s on the fence about your coaching.

Quick Note: The Example I use throughout refers to remote coaching specifically, but this method can also be used for in-person coaching offers.

Step-By- Step: How to create an assessment funnel for your coaching business

Step 1: Create a Landing Page with a Clear CTA

The #1 focus of this page: push people to provide their email address in exchange for a free assessment.

When creating your landing page, be sure to include the following elements:

  • A clear headline that explains what the free assessment is
  • A brief description of what the assessment involves
  • A form for visitors to enter their email address
  • A clear explanation of what happens next
  • A followup email, confirming that their info was received and that you’ll reach out soon (most website builders have this built in).

Make sure your landing page is simple and easy to navigate. The goal is to encourage visitors to sign up for the assessment, not overwhelm them with information.

There are dozens of free tools to help you design a landing page with ease.

Here’s a great example from Andrew Banner. Super simple.
Secret to get massive results for your goal swing
Step 2: Post the Link on Social Media

Create a social post that highlights the free assessment and gets them to click into your landing page.

For Instagram, also update your “Link in Bio” with the link, and point people there in your posts.

You can also change it up a bit, like Andrew does. His CTA prompts athletes to send the word “swing” in a message on the platform. See below. Whatever works as a low-friction way to get people to sign up.
Coach Andrew Banner Instagram Profile
Step 3: Use CoachNow to Conduct your Assessments

Next, create a separate Space in CoachNow for everyone who submitted their email address.
Create New Space
To save time, I recommend creating a template that you can then apply to each space. The template should include a welcome video and instructions on how to upload their video to the Space.

Here’s an example from my own coaching:
Example of Coaching
I also recommend giving them a deadline to ensure they act. Then, commit to a timeline yourself, e.g. “once the video is uploaded I’ll send my assessment in no more than 48 hours”.

Once they’re added to the Space, they’ll receive an email prompting them to create an account in CoachNow. So no need to worry about that part, we’ve got it covered 👊

Be sure that you present yourself in the best light on these assessments. It’s your first impression so you want to nail it.

From the athlete’s perspective, it’s highly valuable and can do wonders to showcase your value as a coach.
Step 4: Follow Up With a Game Plan

After the assessment is complete, email the athlete a game plan for how they can improve.

And this next part is SUPER important. When you reach out, offer a quick phone call or Zoom meeting to discuss potential coaching programs.

This is your chance to upsell the customer into a high-ticket coaching program. As I’ve said elsewhere ( see this blog), include a minimum commitment of at least 3 months.

Put it in Play!

Per usual, none of this matters if you don’t try it. Put it into play as soon as you can.

It’s super easy to get off the ground and there’s really no downside.

I’d love to hear how it goes!