This week, we announced that CoachNow was acquired by Golf Genius, an industry leader in Golf Software.

(Don't worry, this won’t change anything about CoachNow, other than giving us the ability to innovate for you faster than we ever have.)

In fact, this marks the second time we’ve been acquired in the last 10 years. And what a crazy ride the last decade has been.

This exciting milestone got me thinking a lot about where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going.

And it made me reflect on how honored I am to be of service to thousands of coaches who trust CoachNow as part of their daily lives.

I truly can’t thank you all enough - your dedication and commitment to the world of skill coaching is an inspiration for me.

Every New Year, I like to write a more philosophical blog covering “how to be a great coach in the new year”.

In 2022, my advice was to be strategically selfish. In that post, I spoke to the importance of showing up for yourself to reduce burnout.

To sum it up: you need to be a bit selfish and set boundaries to make the greatest impact on your athletes.

In the following months, I gave lots of advice on how to reduce burnout and show up as your best self. See: 3 Reasons Why You’ll Quit Your Coaching Job , What’s Wrong with Selling Time for Money?

In 2023, I focused on the concept of Compounding Your Coaching . In that blog, I encouraged you to grow your business by focusing on your current customers.

To sum it up: new customers are great, but acquiring them can be expensive. Before you look outward, look at the opportunity for retaining and providing even more value to the athletes who are already sold on your coaching.

In the following months, we gave tangible advice on how to make it happen through things like Long-Term Development Programs, The Assessment Funnel, and converting high-ticket clients.

Now, in 2024, it’s time for a new theme.

And I find myself coming back to one thing: Moonshots.

Here’s the truth: the success CoachNow has achieved serving thousands of coaches across over 60 countries was not simply a result of chance.

It was the result of dreaming beyond the day-to-day coaching grind I was on.

I was burning out and I was ready to make a drastic change. I shifted my mindset from being content with incremental growth to setting “Moonshot” goals.

I was ready to take my business from “surviving” to “thriving”. And since the technology to do so didn’t exist at the time, I decided to start a company that would change the world of skills coaching forever.

What might happen if you applied this Moonshot mentality for your coaching? Could you coach more athletes? Could you help them improve twice as fast? Do you have dreams of a larger collaboration that could change the world of coaching in your own special way?

One thing is for sure – there’s no way my business would have been acquired twice in 10 years if I hadn’t allowed myself to make huge goals and made a plan to achieve them.

And honestly, what we’ve achieved so far is still a long way off from what my founding partners and I dreamt up.

But that's the beauty of setting big goals - even if you don’t reach them, you still see much more progress than you otherwise would have.

If you’re still on the “lessons” treadmill, or only selling your time for money, please take the time to visualize something different. Something better. Something that is just right for YOU.

Because trust me, you won’t want to be on that same treadmill for the next 5 years. Not only will your business stagnate, it’s highly likely that you’ll burn out and quit coaching all together.

Take this as a sign to start TODAY. I know it’s cheesy, but just write out ideas for a plan. Where do you want to be in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

Think: where do you see your business going? Are you being proactive, or simply reacting to forces that you can’t control? What do you REALLY want to create for yourself? How can you be of even greater service to your athletes?

And I know what you’re gonna say… “Spencer, I don’t have the time. Fundamentally changing my business model will take months and I’m already slammed as it is”.

And I get it. Time is precious. But in my mind, it’s all about prioritization.

There is a common phrase in the world of mindfulness and meditation: If you can’t find 5 minutes a day to meditate, you need to meditate for 15.

Point being, if you’re SO stressed that you don’t have 5 minutes to spare, you probably need to counteract that stress with MORE than 5 minutes of meditation.

I’ll say a similar thing: If you don’t have 15 minutes a week to invest in the future of your business, you probably should be finding an hour a week.

Because your future deserves that commitment. If the dream is strong enough, the path will reveal itself.

If you don’t have time to think about the big picture, what you’re doing is unsustainable. Full stop. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Where can you find that time? I recommend getting back to basics.

Are you still sending emails after your sessions? You should be posting to CoachNow while you’re with your athletes.

Are you manually managing your bookings and coordinating back and forth with your athletes? Sign up for Calendly or a similar automated booking service.

Are you repeating yourself constantly to different athletes? Create automated templates in CoachNow.

Audit your own business practices. Ask yourself: could your communication be more efficient? Can you reduce your in-person coaching time? What else can you automate?

These aren't just operational questions – they're foundational to freeing up your time to dream bigger and act on your ambitions.

In 2024, find the time and drop the excuses. You’ll feel so much better when you do. Who knows, you may even thank me in the long run.

Coaches like Nicole Fougerrouse, Lukas Exner , and Spencer Arnold did ;)

This year I encourage you to set audacious goals. Goals that inspire you. Goals that can take you, your athletes, or maybe even the coaching industry to the next level.

Whether it's expanding your coaching business, launching an online course, or starting a new camp, clinic, or business—now is the time.

Remember, you aren’t just a coach. You’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer, and, most importantly, a doer.

And of course CoachNow, now part of the Golf Genius family, is here to support you every swing of the way.

Dream big, work hard, and let's make 2024 your most successful year yet.