CoachNow Coach Blog

Sell Your Expertise, Not Your Time



There has never been a better time to share your ideas and insights with others. 

The Age of Information has given way to what many have dubbed the "Instruction Economy" – a phrase that highlights how easy it is to become a coach, teacher, and/or mentor online. 

While the democratization of information is great, I have found that too many people are stuck in outdated educational models. Every day, entrepreneurs are still trapped selling their time for money. 

It absolutely kills me. 

I have said it before and I'll say it again: It is vitally important that your business doesn't require you to be in a specific time at a specific place to sell your expertise. 

This model is simply broken. It leads to burn-out. It doesn't scale. And worst of all, it doesn't serve you, your business or your athletes. 

As CoachNow has grown over the years, I see myself in the coaches we serve – for about a decade, my main mission in life is to help coaches/trainers find their way out of this model. While I've seen many break free and become ConnectedCoaches, there is still a lot of work to do. 

The solution? Know how to sell your expertise instead of your time. This is a key distinction between old fashioned Coaching and ConnectedCoaching. (Read more about the distinction in our recent blog post

So, what does selling your expertise mean? 

It means creating evergreen digital products using time-saving technology, empowering their clients to improve 24/7. It means packaging your expertise, making it automatic and subscription-based, so you aren't wasting your valuable time manually interacting with your clients one at a time. 

It means prioritizing asynchronous communication, offering micro touch points, and proactively sharing the coaching resources your clients need to achieve their goals. Your client shouldn't have to wait until your schedules align to keep moving forward. 

It means not bogging yourself down by chasing clients. If you are a known expert, you can approach coach-client relationships with more confidence – this model will encourage people to seek you, rather than you to seek them. People trust results and respect a coach who knows their worth. 

In the end, ConnectedCoaching is all about using the right tools, techniques, and automation to deliver a more impactful coaching experience. Delivered correctly this new model will serve as a win-win-win for your business, your personal life, and the success of your athletes. 

It's important to note: the coaches that acted on this advice largely thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those that didn't, lost a huge portion of their income overnight and were left scrambling to figure out how to make the ConnectedCoaching transition. 

I whole-heartedly believe that, as the world becomes increasingly digital, those who sell their time for money will become obsolete. 

It's time to learn from this past year and face the fact that unless you set up better business models and leverage automation, you'll always be at risk. (ie. injury, family challenges, etc.) 

Here's some ways to start: 

  • Stop selling lessons and start selling long term development programs. 
  • Introduce Group ConnectedCoaching (see blog on The Power of Collaboration). 
  • Develop DIY digital products that are available to purchase 24/7. Sell them as a subscription rather than a la carte. 
  • Keep up to date with the latest insights from the ConnectedCoach Academy, so you can implement the full potential of CoachNow into your business. 

Here's to selling your expertise, not your time! 

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P.P.S. Still not a member of CoachNow PRO? Click here to sign up for a free 7 day trial and receive 15% off your first year. Hundreds of coaches are raving about PRO - we’d love to have you on board! 

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