CoachNow Academy

Our Blog

Welcome to our blog. Here you'll find weekly resources to help you unlock your time, income, and impact.

WATCH THE RECORDING: Live Remote Coaching with Mike Bury
What You’ll Learn: In this conversation with 6-time Golf Digest award winning golf instructor, Mike Bury, we discuss growing your social media, packaging and pricing, web design, content creation and more! Watch the recording to gain key...
ATTENTION! CoachNow Video Tools Just Received their BIGGEST EVER Update - Included on iOS with ALL paid CoachNow Plans
Before I get started, a little background. Everything we do in the CoachNow Platform is built entirely in house. Our dedicated development team are total rock stars. …rewind the clock to 2012. Some of you reading this may remember the time...
How to Establish Boundaries With Athletes
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY Last week, we sent a blog about the importance of " being a little selfish" to establish boundaries in your coaching business. BUT, while it's one thing to know you should set boundaries, knowing ...
Need Advice for Building Your Coaching Website? Check Out These Audits from the ConnectedCoach Blueprint 👊
At the ConnectedCoach Academy, we fervently believe that you aren’t just a coach . In fact, in order to be a highly impactful and “successful” coach, you need to think like an entrepreneur first, coach second. In today’s world of...
Do You Know The Best Kept Secret of Video Analysis?
At CoachNow, we take immense pride in the functionality of our video analysis suite. But video analysis is only part of our story. And it’s just one small piece of the bigger puzzle we aim to solve for our coaches.. From day 1 of CoachNow, I knew...
The WHY Behind These Foundational Video Analysis Features
What You’ll Learn: CoachNow is an industry leader in video analysis, and utilizes 4 key features that can enhance your coaching workflow: Slow Motion, Voice Over, Comparison Shots, and Dynamic Annotation. Here I dive into the WHY behind...
December 2022 Featured Coach: Nicole Fougerousse
December 2022's featured CoachNow Member is Nicole Fougerousse, owner of NF Softball Performance. Empowering future female leaders through softball is what it's all about for Nicole Fougerousse. At 19 years old, Nicole started giving pitching...
In my experience, coaches and trainers make largely the same mistakes when it comes to marketing their businesses. Whether it’s overemphasizing the importance of social media, thinking they don’t have time to create automated revenue streams, or ...
WATCH THE RECORDING: ConnectedCoaching Website and Social Media Audit
What You’ll Learn: Best practices, live feedback, and Q&A on how to build your website and hone in on your perfect coaching offer. A deep dive on the best ways to stay in sync with your athletes, parents, and other coaches. — ...
Don't Worry! Athletes Won't Fire You if They Get Too Good Too Fast
— What You’ll Learn The difference between calibrative and directive feedback and its importance to your coaching style How to leverage calibrative feedback to make your athletes more autonomous, which will help you grow your business in the...
How to Train Your Athletes to Practice like a pro… Even if They’re an Amateur (INTENTION & RETENTION)
— TL;DR In my 10+ years of coaching both amateurs and pros, I’ve noticed some key distinctions between how they approach practice and training.. And as a result I’ve also seen the patterns of where amateurs fall short. Almost all these...
3 Key Ingredients to Level Up Your Live Coaching Sessions
TL;DR Over the past few months, we have given lots of advice on how to become a ConnectedCoach. Here we try to put everything in one place and give you a one-stop-shop for curating the perfect ConnectedCoaching Session. A ConnectedCoaching...
3 Reasons Why You’ll Quit Your Coaching Job (DON’T MAKE THESE MISTAKES)
— TL;DR: Back when I was coaching, I burned out and ultimately quit doing what I once loved. I don’t want to see you do the same. In this post, I cover 3 common mistakes I’ve seen that are doing more harm than good and will ultimately make you...
3 Tips For Crafting an Irresistible Coaching Offer
— TL;DR: But, while the Hook and Story provide crucial context for a prospective client… but all roads lead to the offer itself. A good offer bundles products and services, is communicated in a clear and direct CTA, and only comes from...
November 2022 Featured Coach: Andrew Banner
November 2022's featured CoachNow Member, is Andrew Banner, Founder of Forged Swing. Andrew is a rockstar golf swing & body coach who has revolutionized the way golfers upgrade their golf swing through his proprietary Tour Proven Pathway Program....
Why Does CoachNow Care So Much About the Business of Coaching? And What’s Wrong With Selling My Time for Money?
In the last 10+ years since I founded CoachNow, I’ve noticed a clear trend with “digital coaching” platforms. And I’ve seen a LOT of these businesses come and go in the last decade… I’ve done my best to stay on the bleeding edge and learn from...
Coaches! Here are Our Top 3 Ways to Attract Your Ideal Customer
_________ TL;DR Defining and narrowing in on your ideal customer is an incredibly important process and will help you earn more and be more fulfilled in your job as a coach. Get hyper specific on who your ideal customer is and market...
Using CoachNow if your Athletes Aren't Tech Savvy: 3 Things to Consider
_________ TL;DR People are often concerned with adding new software because their athletes aren't as "tech Savvy". CoachNow squashes those concerns by making the onboarding and sign in process incredibly easy. Even if your athlete doesn't sign...
Onboarding Your Athletes to CoachNow: Top 3 Best Practices
____ TL;DR CoachNow is designed by coaches, for coaches to help you save time, increase your income, and give you freedom of location. But let’s be honest: transitioning your clients to new software can be daunting. To make the transition...
OFFICIAL LAUNCH- The ConnectedCoach Podcast
In this week's episode, Spencer shares lessons learned about the difference between being "selfless" and "selfish", and why being the latter can absolutely change your business. Subscribe and listen to our first episode on your preferred...
5-Step Checklist to Get More Clients. What’s Your Answer to These 5 Questions?
Mistakes! We all make them. But, unfortunately, there are some mistakes that are way too commonly made by coaches and trainers in all sports. And in my career of coaching and running CoachNow, I’ve noticed 5 very common mistakes coaches make when...
Art of Surfing Olympic Coach Matt Scorringe CoachNow Interview
October 2022's featured CoachNow Member, is Matt Scorringe, the head coach of the New Zealand Olympic Surfing Team and the Founding Director of The Art of Surfing. Matt is not only a rockstar coach, but also a highly accomplished surfer, who...
The Power of ConnectedCoaching with Mark Govier & Spencer Dennis
This week, CoachNow Founder Spencer Dennis interviewed Mark Govier, founder of Elite Golf Coach and High Performance Coach at Altus. We're confident that all coaches will gain some valuable tactics and tips, regardless of sport or experience. You...
Athletes Can't Search for Your Profile On CoachNow. Here’s Why.
___ TL;DR Joining a coach marketplace will stunt your growth because they cause you to forfeit control over your coaching relationships. A marketplace’s purpose is to match athletes to coaches for quick fix lessons. They will do whatever it...
Video Analysis: What Most Coaches Get Wrong (4 Major Misconceptions)
What You’ll Learn: Many Coaches still believe video analysis is the end-all be-all of coaching in the digital age. Trust me, it’s not. The 4 most common misconceptions surrounding video analysis: overemphasizing the importance of video,...
Try Making Video Recaps in CoachNow!
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY Wanna know a harsh truth about coaching? Most of your clients don't practice what you teach them in your live sessions. Now I don't mean to diss on the discipline of all athletes. Obviously, there...
5 Unique and Unexpected Sports in the CoachNow Community
We here at CoachNow simply love the magic that sports bring into our lives. Our team is so proud that the world's best coaches, academies, national programs, and even olympians rely on CoachNow each and every day. In fact, our community has grown...
Unique Sports Use CoachNow
We here at CoachNow simply love the magic that sports bring into our lives. Our team is so proud that the world's best coaches, academies, national programs, and even olympians rely on CoachNow each and every day. In fact, our community has grown...
The Magic of Video Recaps | Change Your Coaching Business in 2 Minutes
I’m gonna level with you. I give a lot of advice to budding coaching entrepreneurs. And yes, all the content at the ConnectedCoach Academy is worth your time and can make a real difference to your business and lifestyle. But there is one...
3 Ways to Eliminate Repetition in Your Coaching Business: The “One and Done” Method
At CoachNow, our #1 goal is to help coaches save time, make more money and be location independent when delivering their expertise to their athletes. How do we do that? By allowing coaches to leverage their expertise and remove redundancy from...
Want to be a Great Coach?
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY Are you a coach planning to use CoachNow in addition to the slew of tools you're likely already using (e.g. WhatsApp, Email, Text, Facebook, etc)? If so, I'd rather you not use CoachNow at...
The 3 Key Benefits of Video Analysis + Most Common Mistakes
— What You'll Learn: A few weeks back, we published a blog on our top 3 ingredients for leveling up your Live Coaching Sessions. Here we revisit the content of that post and add video examples so you can see the ideas in...
Common Video Analysis Mistakes
Best in class video analysis is one of the core features integrated into the CoachNow+ platform. Last week, we discussed the 3 key benefits of video analysis. If you haven't read it yet, be sure to check it out at this link before you read this...
Coaching Killers
Let's face it, the modern world is incredibly distracting. In fact, there is a trillion+ dollar industry fighting tooth and nail to steal our attention -- think ad targeting, social media, text, email, group chat, Netflix, Youtube, just to name...
Keep Your Coaching Specific
You may have heard me say, "the riches are in the niches". Far too often coaches and trainers define themselves by the sport they coach, rather than by who they serve and what specific promise or outcomes they are experts at producing. This is a...
Coaching with Micro-Touch Points
The most successful Coaches within the CoachNow universe are incredibly adept at delivering timely value in small doses. As ConnectedCoaches, we call that a "Micro-Touch Point". Rather than check in once a week with a ton of information, a...
Coach Marketing Website Audit by CN Founder Spencer Dennis
If you've checked out my webinars on Remote Coaching then you would have seen me do live website audits. Now that more and more coaches are back to at least a little bit of in-person coaching I've decided to record some content to assist in your...
Spencer Dennis + Chris Jenkins
If you've checked out my webinars on Remote Coaching then you would have seen me do live website audits. Now that more and more coaches are back to at least a little bit of in-person coaching I've decided to record some content to assist in your...
Is Video Analysis Helpful?
Video analysis can be an incredibly powerful coaching tool. In fact, it's one of the core features integrated into the CoachNow+ platform. However, all too often I see coaches going down an endless video analysis rabbit hole, completely losing...
Coaching 101: Sell Expertise
LISTEN ON THE GO: APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY There has never been a better time to share your ideas and insights with others. The Age of Information has given way to what many have dubbed the " Instruction Economy" – a phrase that highlights how...
What's the ConnectedCoach Pathway?
Everyday, coaches ask me for advice on how to save time, increase their income, and become a more effective coach. Over the last 10 years, I have noticed a few key patterns that differentiate early stage coaches and 6-figure+ coaching...